Toronto Wet Basement Remediation

Why You Can Trust Us

Toronto has a humid climate with a good amount of rain and snowfall making your basement prone to accumulating moisture. Wet basement problems range from dampness and mold growth to flooding that needs immediate drainage by professional hands. If your home is built upon a high water table that doesn’t have sufficient drainage, you could easily find yourself in need of professional wet basement remediation services. GTA Mold provides 24/7 wet basement remediation solutions for similar situations.

Factors Causing Wet Basements

There are a lot of reasons why you might develop a wet basement problem. The first is a high water table. If your home rests on a high water table, the foundation of your home can actually crack of leak. This can lead to perpetual wet basement problems. Additionally, some homes do not have sufficient drainage or gutters to direct excess precipitation away from the home. The result of this is that water begins to accumulate in the basement. Yet another problem is the occasional unexpected flooding of a septic tank or broken pipes, which can flood the basement quickly. The trick is to know what to do and where to go when this happens.

Wet Basement Remediation

GTA Mold Toronto is an expert in the home restoration field. Our experience has taught us exactly how to tackle wet basement remediation. We will bring industrial strength equipment to your home to drain the basement and ensure that all moisture is thoroughly eradicated. Additionally, after flooding, we practice home inspections for mold or other complications. Toxic black mold loves to grow in places like a wet basement, and it can be very dangerous to your health. For this reason, you should always contact home restoration specialists to handle a basement disaster properly. After resolving the issue, we will carefully consider your options for keeping your home moisture-free. We will help you avoid having another wet basement disaster in the future!